The holiday season feels like it has rushed in and taken over! Starting the week before Thanksgiving, things got a little crazy. We had a big dinner for our Italian friends on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, then on Thanksgiving we had another dinner (at our house) for our coworkers! Needless to say, lots of cooking was involved and tons of time invested. Overall it was fun to celebrate, though, except for the fact that I had yet another terrible migraine that took me out of the celebration at our house. While I threw up and slept, everyone else ate and had fun. It was disappointing.
This pregnancy has been way worse as far as migraines go. I've been getting 3-day-long migraines (during which I can't get out of bed or eat or drink) about every two weeks. Please pray that these would taper off as it is really discouraging to be taken out of life so often.
Maybe the reason the migraines are so much worse is that, well, this pregnancy really is different. We found out on the 30th that WE'RE EXPECTING A BABY GIRL!!!! We are so excited as we begin to dream about names, little girl clothes, and all the fun a little girl will add to our family. We feel so blessed and thankful that God is giving us this gift. We are praying for her continued healthy growth and development, as well as the preparation of each of us (especially Colton) for another family member.
Anyway, in the midst of all this busyness and excitement is the added busyness and excitement that Christmas-time brings! The weather has been dark, cold, and rainy almost every day for a month, but decorating for Christmas (and seeing the city all decorated, too) is cheering all of us up! As I've decorated, worked on gifts, cleaned the house, fed Colton his meals - well, almost any time - I've been listening to Christmas music. My favorite song this year is called "It's Christmas Time All Over the World," sung by Sammy Davis Jr. It really hits home with me as we celebrate such a long way from our families and friends in America. The song basically says that no matter where you live; what language they speak; or what customs they have, it's Christmas-time all over the world and we're all celebrating together! I love it!
Here are some pics of our decorations around the house. And, BONUS!, a video of Colton right after we put up and decorated our Christmas tree.
*Side Note* Celebrating Christmas this year with Colton is so fun! He loves the tree and ornaments, excitedly points out Christmas decorations around town, and is enjoying Christmas stories and videos. I feel like I'm reliving a bit of my childhood as I watch his awe and joy! It's so fun!
This is our tree...

And these are our stockings...
This is the advent calender on Colton's bedroom door. He loves getting candy each night after dinner as we count down the days until Christmas. And on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day he gets two big(ger) Santa chocolate bars!
Garland and Christmas candles on our "entertainment center."
Ornaments hanging in our front window...
My beloved nativity scene...
And a couple Christmas quilts...

Finally, this is a great video that shows Colton's excitement for the holidays! It's such a joy to celebrate with our sweet little boy!
We hope you're enjoying this season, too! We love you!