Monday, September 27, 2010

You'll Never Be One Again...

Colton is officially 2-years-old! It's hard to believe how time has flown and what a "big boy" he has become. It is truly miraculous how children grow and develop so much in such a short time.

My mom told me that when my siblings and I turned 2, she would listen to a song by Alabama and dance with us. It always made her cry. The chorus says, "You'll never be one again, the twos are tumblin' on in. [Mommy's] little [boy] is growing up in the world, no you'll never be one again." What a sad but sweet time. And we had a fun time celebrating!

We had a little party for Colton about two weeks before his real birthday. We wanted to celebrate while my sister, Jenn, and brother-in-law, Nate, were visiting. It was really special to be able to celebrate Colton while family was here.

Colton was initially excited when Ross came out holding his birthday cupcake and everyone began singing to him.

But after a minute he decided he did not like the "Happy Birthday" song. He kept pulling on my scarf saying, "Mommy? Mommy!" in an attempt to try to get me to make everyone stop singing.

I showed Colton how to blow out his candle and, after my demonstration, he did it all by himself.

Colton tried a few tastes of the frosting on his birthday cupcake...

...and looked like he was going to take a big bite! But, for the second year in a row, he did not like his cake. The kid would rather eat steamed green beans! I do not know where he got that from.

Mommy and Daddy got Colton a 'Cars' backpack. 'Cars' is his favorite movie.

He had a lot of fun pulling the tissue paper out of the gift bags.

But he was a very careful unwrapper. He pulled each piece of paper off very carefully and handed each one to me to put in the garbage. How organized!

Colton looks so cute in his new Superman shirt!

Aunt Jenn and Uncle Nate got a great picture with Colton after the party.

And we got a great family shot!

On Colton's actual birthday we spent a fun family day together. We started by bombarding Colton in bed with shouts, songs, and a camera flashing. He couldn't hardly open his eyes because the camera flash was so bright!

But he was excited by all the fuss being made over him and he still tried to smile for the camera. What a sweet boy.

Mommy and Colton with his special birthday breakfast - a Grand's Cinnamon Roll from the Army Base in Pisa! What a treat!

Birthday kisses. :)

To celebrate Colton, Ross and I took him to the zoo. It was his first time doing anything like that and he had a blast! It was especially fun to feed the goats...

The big group of goats sort of intimidated Colton so he found this little baby off on its own. He loved feeding it leaves off the ground.

It was so fun to see these leopards just inches away through the glass.

Daddy and Colton got to feed a giraffe!

And an elephant! Colton loved when we fed her but didn't want to be too close himself. I don't blame him - she's a big girl!

Colton liked the zebra because it reminded him of a "horsey!"

And he loved the cute monkeys, as well.

What a special time we had celebrating our big boy! We have been so blessed by God to have him in our lives and we pray that we can give Him glory as we raise the son He has entrusted to us.

Happy birthday, Colton! We love you!