Thursday, April 23, 2009

When it Rains, it Pours

I just wanted to make a quick post to update you on some crazy stuff happening here and to ask for a little prayer.

As we prepare to move (we've yet to get out plane tickets but we're planning to leave in early June) we are trying to do everything we can to get things in order.  Obviously this includes finding renters, packing, etc - and of course we could use prayer for those things.  However, I'm talking about all the little things: taking the car in to the shop to get it in top shape before selling it, putting finishing touches on things we've done to the house to make it more rentable, etc.

On that note...
We took our car in to the shop today and found out that it's going to be a little over $1,000 to get it fixed up for sale.  Wow.
Not only that, but today when I was showering I noticed that the tile looked funny.  After I got out Ross came to examine it and when he pressed on it about six tiles collapsed!  Everything behind them was all rotted out.  Bad news.  Now we need to replace our shower and a few other parts of our bathroom.

We're already seeing God provide for these unexpected expenses, and we feel His peace.  However, the hardest part is dealing with all these things in the midst of all the busyness of trying to get ready to move overseas!  Please keep praying for us!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ah, Sweet Sleep

For some unknown reason I have never been a fan of giving Colton a pacifier.  Of course I use it in key situations, like when we're out and about and I need him to be quiet or in the car to help him fall asleep, but rarely at home and NEVER in his crib.  I wanted him to be able to fall asleep all on his own, depending on nothing.
Then, almost two weeks ago, his napping became more restless and my perfect nighttime sleeper (bedtime at 7/7:30pm, wake time at 7/7:30am) started waking up.  It started with just one or two wake-ups per night.  However, he would wake up screaming as though in pain and only a paci would calm him.  Then, this week, it escalated.  He began waking up screaming as many as seven times at night, wanting a paci each time.  I don't know if he's teething (I don't see anything yet) or if there's something else going on.  Whatever it is, though, I feel so bad for him!  He's been tired and grumpy all day and so tired in the evening that he's been ready to go down for the night before 6pm!
I tried Tylenol, which didn't work at all, and teething tablets, which worked for about 5 hours (which isn't much considering he sleeps 12 hours on a normal night).  I needed another solution - both for his sake and mine!  So I caved.  
Last night I threw eight pacifiers in his crib hoping that, upon waking, he would find one, put it in his own mouth, and go back to sleep.  BAM!  It worked!  I only heard him wake up screaming once, for about 30 seconds, until he found the nearest paci.  After that it was smooth sailing. :)  I don't know how long this will last - I still don't like the idea of him being dependent on a pacifier to stay asleep - but for now we gotta do what works!

On another, random, note - here are a few pics of Colton taking his "big boy bath."  He is such a sturdy little sitter now that I've started letting him sit while I give him a bath!  He loves to play with the bath toys that Grammy got him and splash around.  He would sit in there all night if I let him! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life will NEVER be the Same

The day has finally come.

Though Colton began sitting up well two weeks ago and army crawling last week, he's still been "containable."  By that I mean that I could lay him on a blanket with some toys and know he wasn't going to go far. Life was easy, relatively clean...

Until today.  Today Colton began taking his army crawling to the next level.  No matter how hard I tried, I could not keep him contained on his blanket.  His toys held no interest to him. Instead, he was intent on crawling off the blanket to discover what else this world holds.  For some reason the dog's pillow and chew toy are his #1 favorites (gross!) but after I moved those he went straight for the CD/DVD holder.  Yes, he began pulling things out and destroying them. I cannot believe that this is already happening!  I grabbed my camera and caught the moment on film so check it out:

Yes, after this incident I immediately pulled out the outlet covers and started baby proofing the house.  I'm also trying to accept that I will really need to start cleaning my floors more often - my most hated chore.  Man, I really don't know if I'm ready for this!

Not only has Colton started crawling around with the intent to discover/destroy, he has also made a habit of destroying his crib bedding.  We stopped swaddling his arms a couple weeks ago and since then he has literally ripped the ties off of his bumper pads so that we cannot tie them to the crib bars anymore.  Connie, when you visit we'll need you to bring your sewing kit. Is it possible to sew them on with unbreakable threads?!?

I have known for a long time that Colton was going to be a wild child - into everything he could get his hands on.  But how has it already begun?  Oh gosh - my life will never be the same!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

This Easter weekend has been really fun!  My whole family came into town and we were able to spend some quality time together.  Here are a few pics!

Jeff, Mom, Dad, Ross, me, Colton, Jennifer, and Nate after church.

Family of 3.  I love my boys!

Colton looked adorable in a Easter outfit that Connie made him!

Someday Colton will hate us for this. ;)

Monday, April 6, 2009

6 Months is So Fun!

Colton is officially 6 months old!  It is so hard to believe that half a year of his life has already passed.  I know time is going to quickly fly by and I am seeking to savor each new stage in his life, realizing they will quickly pass.
The following pictures were taken March 25th, on Colton's half birthday.  We just went to Colton's 6 month doctor's appointment and found that he is slowing down slightly in growth - just 28 inches long now (95th percentile).  His weight remains consistent at 16 pounds 6 ounces (in between the 25th and 50th percentile).

At 6 months Colton has started to really get out in the world and have FUN!  For example, he just recently went swimming for the first time...and he loves it!  Of course, Ross and I have been having so much fun introducing C to new life experiences!  
Humorously, though, we have found that Colton has a fear of rushing water (despite his love of floating around a pool, splashing, and dipping his face in the water).  We took him to the beach with my mom last weekend and dipped his feet into the ocean.  He screamed and cried every time a wave came at him.  Right after that I was putting him into the bathtub and I set him down while the faucet was still running water (Note: It was his first bath sitting up!  He's getting so big!).  He screamed in terror and began to cry. It is funny to see his emotions - happiness, fear, excitement, sadness, etc - become much more extreme as he gets older and develops more of a personality.

Colton is such a blessing!  I never could have imagined how much love we could have for a child until God gave him to us.  Colton truly does help us see God's miracles more clearly every day, as well as get a glimpse of His awesome love for all of us!  Each passing month gets more and more fun as we get to know and enjoy this sweet gift.