Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fun Week & 4 Week Pic

This week has been a fun week for Colton, Ross, and me.  It started last Sunday afternoon with Colton's first trip to the "pumpkin patch."  I put that in quotes because Florida really lacks good pumpkin patches.  This was more like a family farm/petting zoo with a few pumpkins set on the ground for you to buy...and they were overpriced!  That's ok, though - Colton needed to experience something fall-like in this year-round-summer state!

Then, on Tuesday, I had a major day out.  From late afternoon until evening I enjoyed a play date with four other moms and babies.  Then, Ross and I finally made it back to our beloved community group.  I was so nervous before going out that day - I had no idea how Colton or I would do for 10 hours out of our comfy, secure house - but I am so glad I did it all.  Being with friends again really refreshed me and talking with other young moms is such a blessing!

The most exciting part of the week, though, was a special developmental milestone Colton hit.  On Tuesday morning when I was changing his diaper, I noticed Colton's FIRST REAL SMILE!  I wasn't sure if I could believe my eyes but Wednesday he confirmed it, smiling at me over and over as we played.  Today he graced Ross with his first smile to him and blessed me with a few more, as well.  There is no feeling I've ever had like seeing my baby smile at me for the first time - I love it!

Besides that, we've been enjoying time at home as a family.  Every day we take pictures of the little things Colton does, and I've included some of them below for you to see.  Enjoy!

Colton @ the pumpkin patch, becoming one with the pumpkins.

Colton and me enjoying a nice afternoon.

Ross really wanted to put Colton on this he did.

Colton loves lifting his little head - and he is strong!  

But afterwards he needs a little rest.  Using that little neck is hard work!

Colton was so stylish looking when we went to our play date/community group thanks to the sweet outfit Aunt Grace bought him at H&M in Sweden!  Thanks Aunt Grace!

I meant to get pictures of Colton and I hanging out with our friends Tuesday, but I only remembered to take one.  This is Colton and Reese, our friend Gayle's daughter, on the way to the play date.

Colton sporting the first outfit he ever had - a cool onesie from Italy!  Ross and I bought it when we were there last spring for UCF's vision trip - I was 12 weeks pregnant.  Now, it fits him perfectly!

This is for my mom.  She asked me to get a picture of Colton smiling and this was the best I could do.  His smile bring joy to my soul!

Last - Colton on his 4 week birthday.  Getting cuter and longer every week!
*This onesie is a 3 month size!  Since last week he's been wearing them because before we know it he'll be too long to get his feet in the footies!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

3 Weeks Old!

Colton turned 3 weeks old on Thursday - 10/16/08!  Here are his 3 weeks pictures.

I love to sleep on Mommy's tummy - and Mommy loves it, too!

I might be growing quickly, but I'm still a little peanut!

We stole this idea from our friends, the Brewers, in Nashville - only we don't have a stuffed animal that is longer than Colton!  He's such a long guy!
*I chose this pic for the classic Colton face. :)*

Close up head shot

Sweet baby feet.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rough Few Days...

Lots has been going on this past week, most of it not so great!  It all started last Friday when we took Colton to the doctor.  Don't worry - he checked out amazingly.  The thing that started it all, though, was that the doctor advised us to get some over the counter vitamin D drops to give Colton.  We started giving him those on Saturday or Sunday morning last week and noticed pretty quickly that Colton got MUCH more fussy than he had been.  It started Monday night when he started screaming from about 6pm - 10 or 11pm.  If he wasn't eating or being rocked constantly he was not a happy boy - it was so unusual for him!  That continued until Wednesday when he acted like that all day and evening!  It was horrible.  So, we stopped giving him those vitamins the past two days and he seems to be much closer to his old self again.  I am going to call the doctor's office on Monday but as far as I'm concerned, the vitamins are garbage!  

The other thing that has made the past few days pretty rough is that I got my first post-pregnancy migraine Thursday night.  I was totally out of the game yesterday with the headache and vomiting it caused.  Ross was amazing, though.  He kept Colton all day - just bringing him to me to eat - so that I could sleep.  Then, he chose to sleep on the couch in the living room with Colton next to him in his basket so that I could get as much sleep as possible during the night!  I still had a headache most of today (I'm just now starting to feel better) but I think Ross' help made it much easier for me to heal more quickly.  Migraines have always stunk, but having a migraine with a little baby in the house was so much more difficult!  Please pray that I don't get many more!

Other than that, not much is new.  Colton is now 3 weeks old (as of Thursday, Oct. 16).  He's getting bigger and bigger - it is amazing how much he has changed in these few short weeks!  We took some pictures to celebrate his birthday on Thursday and I will post those soon so that you can enjoy watching him grow and change along with us!  

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pics & Stats

Though we haven't left the house much, we have had an eventful week with little Colton.  Mark and Connie, Ross' parents, were here for about a week and we had fun with them.  They were a huge help around the house and it was fun watching them bond with Colton.  

While they were here, Colton turned 2 weeks old!  When he was born he was 21.5 inches long and weighed 8 pounds.  As of his appointment he was 22 inches long and 8 pounds 8 ounces! This is great news as a newborn is only expected to be back to his birthweight by 2 weeks.  It seems that he is a very healthy baby - praise God!

We are now on our own, without family here helping us, and enjoying learning what life is like as a family of three.  Having a newborn is such an adventure and we love it!

Grandy getting one of his first looks at Colton.

Connie giving Colton his second bath.

A rare sight - Colton all stretched out.  He's such a long baby!

Colton loves sleeping with his hands behind his head - so chill.

Daddy and Colton - two darn handsome men!

Three generations of "Levingston."  It's a family tradition to make that the middle name of the firstborn Stowers male - pictured here are generations 5, 6, & 7!

GiGi and Grandy with a very sleepy Colton.

"I can't believe my baby has a baby!" :)

P.S. - Sorry I didn't get these up sooner Aunt Linda! :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So Many Pictures...

Colton has been home for a little over a week now and we have taken so many pictures!  I thought I'd pick a few of my favorites to share with y'all.  Enjoy!

Baby Colton, still in the hospital.

Another family picture during day 2 of Colton's life.

Grandma, Colton, and Mommy in the hospital.

Mommy and Colton bonding - it's love at first eye-contact. :)

Finally coming home!  Mommy and Daddy look a bit tired, but Colton is stylin' in his sweet Polo outfit from Grandma.

Daddy putting Colton in his car seat for the first time.

I'm so excited to bring him home!

Grandpa, Colton, and me just after arriving home.  We were showing Colton his nursery.

Colton, day 3, relaxing in his boppy.

What a sweet little face!  He's just adorable, I think!

Dressed for his first outing since coming home - a trip to the pediatrician!  He's perfect and healthy!

Haha - I sense him feeling like we are paparazzi.  "No more pictures!"

Chillin' in his boppy again - this time rapper style.

Sweet, sleeping baby boy.

First bath!  10/1/08

SO relaxed - a rare moment where he was all stretched out on Mommy's legs.

Such a precious boy.  We love him!