Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Because Some People Care...

Because some people care, namely my family and a few friends in the States, here are my most recent "belly pics," taken this morning. Please excuse the fake smile - we were running late to get to work this morning but I knew if I didn't take the pics then, I wouldn't get them taken at all!

26 weeks pregnant with Baby Girl Stowers! Yay!

Overall I feel pretty good, but this pregnancy definitely isn't the same type of experience as the first time I was pregnant. Besides being achier (probably because I'm older!) and more tired, I just want to skip the rest of the pregnancy and get the baby!

Baby Girl seems like she'll be a mover and shaker when she's born. She is constantly moving in utero - but not so much kicking. More like swimming. I tell Ross often that it feels like someone is doing the breast stroke in my stomach. Definitely an odd and, sometimes, kind of gross feeling. I'm thankful to feel her move so much, though, and pray that she continues to develop into a healthy and strong baby girl!