Thursday, July 30, 2009

What a Week!

This has been a very busy week. First, we spent a total of a full day at an Italian immigration office - questura - trying to get our permission to stay - permesso di soggiorno - documents from the Italian government. As with most things in Italy, there is a lot of red tape to go through in order to get this document. It's also always nerve-wracking to try to get it because often they accept or reject you based on whim. Also, you never know how long it will take at the immigration office when you go to apply - a scary thing when you have a baby boy who loves to run around! :)

We woke Colton up very early (for him) to go to the questura - 6:30am. Before we even arrived at 8:30am he was exhausted!

When we arrived at the questura we got our number. We were 465 - 425th in line at the time! We waited from about 8:30am until almost 11:30am only to find we had accidently shown up on the wrong day - we were one day too early. We had to leave and return the next morning. Luckily, though, we managed to get there a little earlier and we were 288th in line - much better. :) Being at the questura is a little like showing up to the United Nations. There are people from all over the world waiting with you, trying to get permission to live in Italy.

Though I was nervous about how Colton would do, he proved to be a great little boy once again. Both days Colton napped a good portion of the time we had to wait. We have to cover his stroller with a blanket, though, because if he can see all that's going on he isn't interested in sleeping. :)

Our second trip to the questura was a success. After waiting for about 1-1/2 hours for our number to be called, we were sent to another window where we waited for about another 3 hours while our documents were reviewed and, finally, accepted. Last, we were sent to another window again to get our fingers printed and turn in our passport photos. After 5 hours we were able to leave assured that we should get our permessos in October! Phew!

After the adventure of the questura, we were hoping for some down time. This morning, however, Colton decided he wanted to give us a new experience to navigate through. When I went in to his room this morning to get him out of bed, I found a M-E-S-S!!! Colton has been sleeping in only a diaper this week because it is hot in the house we're staying in (it hasn't been under 85 degrees inside yet!). Well, Colton finally figured out how to take off his diaper and he had a little accident in his pack n' play.

Wait...did I say 'little?'

Let me reprhase that. Colton had a BIG accident! There was poop everywhere - on his sheets, caked on his pacifiers, on his stuffed puppy blanket that he sleeps with, and on the netting and railing.

The worst, though, was this...

There was also poop all over Colton - from hair to toes! He had a little poop gotee going on and kept on licking his lips. Gross! I wonder how much poop he actually ingested... :( Ha! When all was said and done Colton and his bedding got all clean and we were no worse off for it. Let's just say, though, that I will not be putting Colton to bed in just a diaper any more.

Despite all our crazy adventures this week we've had a lot of fun together, too. Colton and Daddy learned a new game to play - 'catch me if you can!' :) I love watching my boys play together!

**NOTE: That is not Ross' crack you see in the video, it's his tatoo. Sorry if that scared you. :)


Gigi and Grandy in Katy said...

I'm not going to say it....Ross knows.

katy said...

Oh this video..I love it..but yeah..Ross' tattoo..oh boy.

katy said...

Are you not staying at your place?

The Downs family said...

I'm a little sick to my stomach yet LOVED that you posted those pics. I was dying to see them, in a weird kind of way. Thank you for sharing your lovely poop experience with us! :-)