After a somewhat painful exam (I'll spare you the details) the doctor told me that I'm progressing a little bit but that he would like to go ahead and schedule an induction for next week anyway. Of course, the baby could be born any day now BUT if he decides my womb is just way too comfortable and he doesn't want to come out on his own....
I will be induced next Thursday, September 25th!!!
That's the plan right now. Please pray that the little guy decides to come on his own and that, however labor begins, he is healthy and strong through the whole process. Pray for Ross and me, too, that these last few days without the baby will be fun, relaxing, productive...whatever they need to be as we get ready for our worlds to be rocked!
YEAH!!!! How exciting!!! Can't wait to see what happens! Will he be forced out or will he come on his own???
I am so excited!! I am selfishly hoping he doesn't come at least until Wednesday so we can have a quick visit before he comes, but I pray he comes on his own! AND I CAN'T WAIT!!
Yeah, we just got back tonight & i'm checking in on the rest of the world...I figured since we didn't hear anything Colton is still happy in the tummy! :-) I'm just glad we didn't miss it!!! I'll be calling you tomorrow!
Gigi can't wait! I'm praying he comes out soon and on his as in sans pitosen (sp?). But either way, you will be a mommy and Ross a daddy by the end of the week.
By the way, that makes me officially a Gigi. (Grace has already given me a shorten version of Gidge.) I'm dancing all around waiting!
Love Gigi
i think you should update one last time before the baby arrives!!!!
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